Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Brand New and Rarin' to go

Well, here I am. I want to write about and hear from, indie authors with unusual stories about publishing their efforts, and I will relate my work on my novel, "The Web of the Spider"



  1. My book, "The Web of the Spider" should be available at in about a week. I'm waiting for my final proof, and when I accept it, the print edition will immediately become available for purchase. It's a long story, and a "page turner". The Kindle version and the Nook version are already available for download at Amazon, and Barnes and Noble. Give it a try, and let me know how you rate it.


  2. It's now available on CreateSpace, and next week on, later on B&N. Have local newspaper interview on Monday morning, and talk with local bookstore. Marketing will be major effort.


  3. "Web" is now available on Expanded Distribution should kick in any time now. I had an interview with the local newspaper today, and convinced the local book store to stock a few copies. Who knows, I may sell a couple.


  4. I discovered Smashwords yesterday. I uploaded my novel, and was # 2264 in queue. This morning, I am #889. Those guys must do a land office biz

  5. Finally got my book on Smashwords, but had to re-format for the Premium Guide. Did this until one a.m. last night, and up-loaded again. Now waiting for approval. Re-formatting is not fun, but you learn a lot about MSWord. My print novel is available at Amazon and Createspace. You can go directly to my page at

  6. Can't believe it. Now that Smashwords can no longer find anything wrong with the content, they've jumped on the cover.

  7. To aspiring writers...
    Self publishing is a good thing for first time authors, and e-books can be a great addition to your income string; but be very careful when dealing with Smashwords. Lot of promises, little meat. Getting on their Premium listing is described as a wonderful addition to your overall plan, but the obstacles they place in front are ridiculous. For instance, my manuscript had to be completely re-formatted to be able to achieve the hallowed listing. Once it was correct (3 re-publishings), they said I had to re-do the cover. After I did that, they found (?) something else in the body of the work. Note: when I re-did the cover, I did not touch the body. Where did the problem come from?

  8. I thought I posted an update last night...
    Anyway, my novel, "The Web of the Spider" is now listed in the Premium Catalog at "Smashwords". It took about six weeks to jump through all the hoopsand connect the dots, but I got there, and now we'll see if it was worth the effort. Continuing to work on my next effort, called "The Apollo Parallax", another thriller, but set in the present.

  9. Well, work continues apace on The Apollo Parallax. I hope to have it finished by the end of the summer. A lot of the mistakes I made in publishing "Spider" won't be repeated in Apollo. I am totally repelled by the lack of promotion for "Spider" by the various publishers. Sales are pitiful, and I realize that CreateSpace prices by the page so a 730+ paqe novel is a high-priced item. That's one of the mistakes. Next time I'll use a smaller font size.
