Wednesday, October 21, 2015

First novel, "The Web of the Spider" is going well. Second, "The Apollo Parallax" is nearing completion, and a semi-autobiography, "Serendipity-One Marine's love affair with Guantanamo Bay, Cuba" is coming right along. "The Web"' is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble and many other fine book sellers. It is also a Kindle download at Amazon.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

I can't wrap my thoughts around the mind-set of American Republicans, who are fawning over Donald Trump, the bombastic,narcissistic empty suit who makes a lot of noise and says nothing.

Friday, August 14, 2015

Hello again after a long absence. Just want you to know that my first novel, "The Web of the Spider" is now available on Amazon. com and on my Publishers website @
Look in and see for yourself.